AJBVC 2016 Coach Expression of Interest

Australian Junior Beach Volleyball Championships are nearing. The tournament is held in Adelaide on Glenelg beach from the 7th-10th of April 2016 and stars the nations best junior beach volleyballers. Volleyball WA is calling for expressions of interests for Coaches and Head of delegation for the tournament.

Coaches will be required to be available for 80% of training sessions, which will be held every Wednesday evening from the 13th of January to the 30th of March. Coaches are also required to have their level 2 coaching accreditation (level 1 in the old system) or obtain their level 2 accreditation prior to departure for the tournament on the 5th of April.

Nominations close on Friday the 11th of December 2015 at 5pm

Please fill out the form found here: Coach Applications for 2016 AJBVC – final


If you have any questions please feel free to email admin@volleyballwa.com.au