
Volleyball Education

Volleyball WA offers a range of online courses and face to face training for Teachers, Coaches and Referees. Whether you want to do some casual refereeing, acquire a more technical view into coaching, or get involved in a non-playing role, Volleyball WA will help you learn more about the game and assist in your volleyball journey from social to high-level.

Volleyball WA follows the National Accreditation Frameworks established by Volleyball Australia. Everything regarding VA Course registration, accreditation upgrades, and renewals can be found in Volleyball Australia's Accreditation Portal for VWA members.  

If you have any questions contact the office on 08 9228 8522 or email

Specific information regarding Coaching, Refereeing and Teacher PD can be found by clicking on the links below.


Click here to find information regarding coaching accreditations and getting involved as a coach.


Click here to find information regarding refereeing accreditations and getting involved as a referee. 

Teacher PD

Click here to find information regarding upskilling practical and theoretical knowledge of volleyball as a Primary or Secondary school teacher.