New Role Filled at Volleyball WA


Volleyball WA is pleased to welcome Alex Neindorf to the newly created role of Events Coordinator. Alex is joining the Pathways and Events section. He will be providing support for several of our major competitions plus taking on the coordination of a number of our social volley events.

He was previously an events manager at Licensing Essentials, a retail company. He also oversaw the retail operations of multiple events at Optus Stadium including AFL matches, concerts, and other sporting codes, plus many concerts around Perth.

His new role combines two personal passions, Volleyball and events and he is excited to join Volleyball WA to build on his sports industry experience.

He is looking forward to working in a team that enjoys the same passions and the challenge of assisting with the rapid growth of the WA Volleyball Junior League (WAVJL).

Alex started playing volleyball quite late at 19 and played indoor beach volleyball before joining the WA Volleyball League (WAVL) 3 years ago first for Murdoch University, then Southern Cross and now he playing for ECU Chequers Volleyball Club.