Under the current state government directives, Volleyball WA is pleased to confirm that Volleyball can continue to be played from January 31st in Western Australia, both indoors and outdoors with some new restrictions to be noted.
Proof of Vaccination for Community Sport
As the Chief Health Officer has advised community sports provides many physical and mental benefits for the Western Australian community. Generally speaking, community sport is excluded from Proof of Vaccination requirements, sport will need to comply with the requirements in the following circumstances;
- There are requirements for some types of indoor venues to require proof of vaccination for entry. For instance, this is a requirement for gyms and fitness venues. It is our understanding that for simplicity some multi-purpose indoor venues have decided that because some parts of their venue do require proof of vaccination, they will require all people who enter the venue (including those involved in volleyball) to show proof of vaccination.
- It should also be noted that other venues such as schools may / will require proof of vaccination for entry.
- In all cases, Volleyball WA Clubs & Associations should check with the individual venues they use for training and competition about the requirements and communicate these requirements to members directly.
- Only those aged 16 years plus will be required to provide proof of vaccination in the instances outlined above.
Venues and Venue Operators
This information is most relevant to Indoor Beach Volleyball Centre’s and Clubs / Associations who operate from venues under special ongoing arrangements.
You will need to ensure individuals are wearing masks unless playing vigorous exercise or doing their job (i.e., referee). Everyone else must wear a mask indoors.
Those venues that operate a café or canteen will require proof of vaccination from any patron dining in but not from people taking away. Any venue with a Liquor Licence will require proof of vaccination.
You should ensure your COVID Safety Plan and other COVID signage is visible to venue users. The government is currently updating the COVID Safety Plans and Guidelines for WA’s Safe Transition. They will be published here once completed so please check to ensure you have the latest information:
You should continue to ensure that you maintain high standards of sanitisation and cleaning.
You need to prepare and communicate to all staff what is needed to be done if there is a close contact case or indeed a positive COVID case.
For further information regarding what you can and can’t do please visit the following;
Mask Wearing Requirements
Mask wearing requirements are in effect across Perth and Peel (including Rottnest Island), the South West, Wheatbelt and Great Southern regions.
Masks are required in the following settings in Perth and Peel, the South West, Wheatbelt and Great Southern regions:
- at all public indoor settings, including the workplace
- in all vehicles, unless the person is travelling alone or with members of the same household
- at residential aged or disability care facilities, both indoors and outdoors
- at a hospital.
Anyone who has been in the Wheatbelt and Great Southern regions since January 20 must also follow the mask requirements for two weeks after leaving these regions.
It is recommended you wear a mask outdoors where physical distancing is not possible.
High levels of hygiene remain important so please remember to wash your hands regularly, stay 1.5m apart where you can, cover your mouth/nose when you cough/sneeze and stay at home away from training and competition if you are sick to protect your teammates and the community.
Volleyball WA
The Volleyball WA office will remain open, and all staff will be working and contactable. We ask that any visitors to the office wear masks and check in via the app or manual register.
All Volleyball WA planned / sanctioned events and activities will go ahead as scheduled unless the WA Government issues any further restrictions or health advice.
For the latest updates, please visit: https://www.wa.gov.au/government/covid-19-coronavirus
Thank you for your cooperation and support as we adapt to meet the changing circumstances. Volleyball WA will advise of any further updates as updated information becomes available from the WA Government. Please continue to look after yourselves and check in on your teammates during these times.
Volleyball WA Board and Staff