Beach is Back in Collie!


Beach Volleyball made a triumphant return to Collie this week after a few years hiatus. Between COVID19 and delays with building, the residents of Collie and surrounds returned to the sand with bright smiles and enthusiasm.

Collie is located more than 50km from the closest beach and although the Collie Volleyball Association is well known for their annual indoor competition, the locals also enjoy a good frolic in the sand.

The joint venture between the Collie Italian and Sportsman Club and the Collie Volleyball Association has been running since 1997 and the refurbishments made to the courts were a hit with the locals.

There was a lot of interest with over 40 people attending a come and try evening, including a significant number of high school students many of whom tried volleyball for the first time.  The shortened season will run into April, finishing just in time to transfer to the indoor season.

For more information contact the Collie Volleyball Association Facebook Page.