Volleyball WA Embarks on a Transformative Journey with Sport West’s True Sport Initiative in 2024

Volleyball WA is excited to announce its cooperation with Sport West’s True Sport initiative for 2024. True Sport is known for its comprehensive approach to sports in Western Australia, aiming to improve the sport experience for everyone by aligning values, culture, and delivery practices.

This groundbreaking initiative encompasses a spectrum of programs, each tailored to address specific challenges within the industry. From the True Sport Mental Health & Wellbeing initiative to True Sport Child Safeguarding and True Sport Sideline Behaviour, these focused initiatives aim to provide unwavering support and solutions to challenges faced within the realm of sports.

Within our vibrant WA volleyball community, the significance of our beloved sport stretches far beyond the confines of the court. It acts as a unifying force, seamlessly weaving together individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a remarkably inclusive environment.

Going beyond the inherent physical benefits that sports offer, Volleyball WA acknowledges the vital role it plays in nurturing the mental health and well-being of its sporting community. Consider the eye-opening statistics: 2 in 5 Australians aged 16 to 85 will grapple with a mental health condition during their lifetime. This underscores the profound impact that sports can have on improving and sustaining the mental health and well-being of our members.

With a commitment to fostering inclusivity and support, Volleyball WA is thrilled to announce the integration of True Sport initiatives into the WA volleyball community in 2024. This significant stride underscores our ongoing dedication to the holistic well-being of our members and the broader community. As we soar above the boundaries of the game, both on and off the court, our goal is to create an environment where everyone not only survives but thrives in the volleyball community. Stay tuned as we seamlessly weave True Sport initiatives into our volleyball practices, enriching the overall experience and cultivating a culture of well-being and inclusivity on this journey together.

For more information on the True Sport initiatives, visit the Sport West’s website here.