2019 VWA Beach State Team Trials

Volley by the Bay 2019 will be back in Bunbury, Western Australia in April 2019. Two National competitions – the Australian Under 21 & 23 Beach Championships and the Australian Junior Beach Volleyball Championships (AJBVC) – will hit Koombana Bay beach from 13th – 18th April 2019.

There have been 3 age divisions added to the two Nationals competitions for 2019 by Volleyball Australia – U16, U18 and U21. This means that there will be Trials for the following AJBVC divisions – U15, U16, U17, U18 and U19, as well as U21 & U23 for the Senior National competition. Trials for the 2019 VWA Beach State Team will take place on the 7th, 9th, 12th, 16th, 21st and 23rd of January 2019. Trial registrations are now open. Athletes have until the 1st January to register through the VWA Member Portal at www.volleyballwa.fortix.net.au. 

Please Click Here for your go-to document regarding all information about trials, selection and events for the 2019 VWA Beach State Team.

We encourage all athletes who intend to Trial for the Beach State Team to take advantage of as many opportunities to play leading up to the Trials. Please Click Here for a list of Club Beach Volleyball training opportunities you can choose from.

If you have any questions regarding the U21 & U23 National Beach Championships or Australian Junior Beach Volleyball Championships, please do not hesitate to contact State Teams Coordinator – Jackie Tamburri (stateteams@volleyballwa.com.au) or Participation and Development Manager – Karen Wickham (participation@volleyballwa.com.au). Please also feel free to call the VWA office on 92288522.

We wish you all the best for the rest of the year and hope to see you at trials in January 2019!