Social Beach Competition Results 2013

The beach social-competition at Inner City Beach (Royal Park) has had a great spring season 2013.Thank you to all teams and players for their participation in the competition.
A huge congratulation to all winners and runners-up teams in each division.

Monday 2 a-side

Men A (first photo)
Day/Termeer winners
Joe and Winley runners-up

Men B 
Beached Diggers winners
Pat and Patachon runners- up

Men C
Just the 2 of us winners
Noodle on roids runners- up

Women A
CTs winners (4th photo)
PaNic runners-up

Notorious D.I.G winners
Beastly Burrito runners- up

Mixed A 
Stina and Carl winners
Jenna and Brad runners-up

Mixed B
Hush Puppies winners
Starfly runners-up

Tuesday mixed 4 a-side

Mixed A
Diggin It! Winners
Joy of sets runners up

Mixed B
The Avengers winners
Beach Bums runners up

Wednesday open 4-side

Division A
Sand Crax winners
The most interesting men in the world

Division B
Spike that beaches! Winners
Baha Spiders

Division C
Vic Park winners
Catherine’s team runners up


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