VWA would like to congratulate all the West Australians who competed in the recent Australian Masters Games held in Adelaide Oct 3- Oct 10. The WA contingent represented our state with pride in a sport they love dearly and they put the WA Volleyball name out there by winning 14 Gold 1 silver and 2 bronze medals in total.
The WA contingent comprises of a group of players all from different clubs- ECU Chequers, Rossmoyne, Southern Cross, UWA, that come together each year for Masters tournaments all around Australia and the Globe.
It goes to show that you can play this beloved sport of ours at whatever age group as long as you have the love and passion for the game.
WA Representatives
Women 35+ Gold Medal winners
Mel Davey, Debbie Elphick, Theresa George, Cezanne, Misa, Sachiko, Ayumi and Alex Moir
Mixed 35+ Gold Medal Winners
Alex and Matt, Mel, Cezanne, Theresa, Mauro Venetti, Craig and Deb Elphick
Men 40+ Gold Medal Winners
Mauro, Matt, Craig and 4 invited players from Russia
Men 55+ Gold Medal Winners: AUSSIE ROOS
Jimmie Mok and 6 other inter states players
Women 55+ Gold Medal Winners
“WE DIG IT”- with the legendary Ann Wells & Linda Clayton, Jan Perry, Melissa Mcinytre, Joan Strikwerda, Eva Schluchter
Mens 50+ Gold- Carl Nicholas and Bob
Women35+ Pairs- Gold- Mel, Alex and Debbie Women
40+ fours – Gold- Sachiko, Misa, Ayumi and Mel Mixed Pairs
45+ Gold – Mauro and Cezanne Mixed Pairs
45+ Bronze- Craig Elphick and Misa
Men4 45+ Gold- Mauro, Alwyn, Robert and Carl Men
Mixed 4 – Bronze- Mauro, Alwyn, Theresa and Cezanne
Mixed 4’s 40+ Gold- Debbie & Craig Elphick, Matt and Misa
Women 55+ 4’s Gold- Joan, Jenny, Natalie Smith, Kim Trunful Women
55+ Pairs Gold – Kim Trunful and Natalie Smith (BUNBURY)
Women 60+ Pairs GOLD – Linda Clayton and Eva Schlucter
Women 60+ Pairs Silver- Joan Strikwerda and Jenny Ellson
Men 4 55+ GOLD – Jimmie Mok and 4 other interstate players.