Strategic Directions for the Western Australian Sport and Recreation Industry 2016-2020

Strategic Directions for the Western Australian Sport and Recreation Industry 2016-2020 (SD6) has been developed by industry leaders in consultation with a broad group of stakeholders.

SD6 was launched this week and identifies key strategic areas that must be addressed by the industry over the next five years. I encourage you to engage with the document and consider how your organisation may best respond to the Challenges within.

For those of you that read the last Volley Voice you will have read a very small snippet of our Executive Director, Robyn Kuhl’s thoughts regarding the launch of this document, which she attended.

If you are short of time, please make sure that at the very least you read pages 6 & 7 – the summary of the SD6 challenges (2016 – 2020).  Many of these we are already trying to do and some of them I believe we need to embrace moving into the 2018+ Strategic Plan.
