COVID-19 Update: Easing of Social Distancing Measures

Volleyball WA would like to update the community on the easing of social distancing measures for West Australians that came into effect on the 27 April 2020 and how it affects the sport.

The WA Government announced on the weekend cautious easing of restrictions around social distancing in response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Based on health advice, the WA Government has decided to ‘cautiously relax the number for indoor and outdoor gatherings to a maximum of 10 people, while practising social distancing.’

In light of this update, all indoor and indoor beach volleyball centres remain closed. However, if the sporting activity is conducted outside, is non-contact, and involves ten people or less, then you can participate.

This includes non-contact training for sports that would ordinarily involve contact, such as volleyball. In addition to the social distancing measures currently in place, Volleyball WA advises the following stipulations should also be met:

  • Bring their own ball (s), or purchase one from Volleyball WA;
  • Bring their own hand sanitiser and if they want to use lines then they need to bring protective gloves to put them out;
  • Stay home if they are sick;
  • Play with friends or family – no more than 10 persons and remember the requirements for social distancing (no contact).

WA Government: Cautious Easing of Restrictions – Frequently Asked Questions (CLICK HERE)

As a result of this update, a reduced number of Volleyball WA’s Inner City Beach and Visko Park Beach Volleyball courts will once again be available for hire, with restrictions in place to meet the social distancing guidelines.

Volleyball WA would also encourage any individuals intending to undertake volleyball exercises in outdoor areas to consider downloading the COVIDSafe app as a further precaution before playing volleyball.

Based on these new measures, Volleyball WA would like to stress that all volleyball activities must meet these new measures before continuing. If your outdoor gathering does not meet these measures, nor Sport Australia’s COVID-19 guidelines, then you should not proceed.

In addition to the reopening of the Beach Courts, the Volleyball WA office will be reopened with a skeleton staff returning to the office. As of Tuesday (5 May 2020), the Volleyball WA offices will be open from Tuesday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm.

If you need more information or have a question, please don’t hesitate to contact the Volleyball WA offices on 08 9228 8522 or via email