Rossmoyne Senior High School Dominate at WA High Schools Cup


Results at the recent WA High Schools Cup show that the Rossmoyne Senior High School Specialist Volleyball Program is continuing to develop some of the State’s best volleyball talent.

The highly-regarded program provides opportunities for students to compete in local and national events, gain coaching and referee qualifications, and develop themselves as the next leaders in the Sport and Recreation community.

The 2022 WA High Schools Cup included 4 days of competition, 224 teams and 38 schools. High School students from across the state put on a great exhibition of skill, school pride, and team spirit.

Rossmoyne Senior High School was a stand out with a very impressive 277 students competing across 35 teams in 22 divisions. The school won 11 Gold medals, 5 Silver medals and 11 MVP’s awards.

They made the finals of all top 12 divisions, retained the Male and Female Aggregate Cups, and for the 31st year in a row won the Presidents Cup for the best overall school, a most impressive record!

The School provided 20 referees to help the event run smoothly and had 11 ex-students and 20 current students volunteer their time to coach. The school said they are particularly proud of their contributions, as it demonstrates their students are willing to give back to their sport.

The WA High School Cup is a qualifying event for the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup to be held on the Gold Coast in December, and there is no doubt that that school will gallantly represent the State.

For more information on the Rossmoyne Approved Volleyball Program please see their website.

To get your teen playing volleyball check out the Junior Volley programs being offered in Term 4.