Start to Talk is a new Child Safe Sport awareness campaign from Play by the Rules.
Start to Talk is a national campaign which aims to encourage parents and sporting organisations to discuss how they can work together to create a child safe environment.
The campaign features Child Safe Sport resources developed by Sport Integrity Australia.
The campaign was developed in response to recommendations from the Royal Commission which identified sport clubs as having an important role to play in the prevention and detection of abuse. It is based on a European child safety campaign lead by the Council of Europe.
You can find links to the Safeguarding webpage and supporting Child Safe Sport resources below:
- Child Safe Practices – Dos and Donts
- A Parents/Carers Guide to Selecting a Safe Sporting Club
- How to Involve Children and Young People in Your Sporting Organisation
- Checklist for Selecting a Safe Sporting Club
- Choosing a Child Safe Club – Poster
Clubs are encouraged to share this information with their community and Start to Talk about how they can start this important conversation. #StartToTalk.