Please note that the weather forecast for this weekend is now 38C for both days. See the links below for the VWA hot weather policy and sun protection policy. Here are the measures that we may take over the weekend to ensure the safety of all event participants:
Please note that all teams (at least one representative) are required to attend the technical meeting at 6:20am at their respective venue. Non-attendance will mean that your first scheduled match will be a forfeit.
Please note that a Women’s AA playoff game was entered incorrectly into our results system last week. Hug/Mouline defeated Rostron/Hodgson and the seedings and season results have been altered accordingly.
For AAA/AA I am more comfortable with the match schedule because there is only one place in the draw where we can potentially have back to back matches, but we may:
– Shorten matches to 18,18,15 in combination with:
– Compulsory Technical Time-Out sets 1 and 2
– Brief allowance for drink stop each end
– We can also abandon any play-off games which don’t affect the outcome of the tournament W5 and W9 games
For A, we are testing 20 team format this week. We were going to go to quarter finals but would mean that the finalists would play 3 games in a row:
– We have decided that only the top team from each pool will play continue after pool play into the semi-finals
We may incorporate the following:
– Compulsory Technical Time-Out sets 1 and 2
– Brief allowance for drink stop each end
Even though we have increased shade from previous year we still encourage that you bring your own shade and an ample supply of water and sports drink.