School Sport WA Positions Vacant

School Sport WA State Teams Coach and Manager Positions Vacant

SSWA is currently advertising for the positions of State School Girls and Boys Coaches and Managers for 2015. SSWA and VWA collaborate to select and train junior squads in May.  SSWA provides 6 days relief teachers in Government schools to attend the National Championships from 22nd to 28th August. More information can be located on the SSWA website at  and to download the application form and role responsibilities at For further information contact SSWA on 92645799 or


School Sport WA Volleyball Coordinator Position Vacant

The SSWA Volleyball Coordinator is responsible for liaison with Volleyball WA and sits on the Junior Volleyball Committee. He or she promotes Volleyball in WA schools by organizing interschool competitions for secondary students in collaboration and with support from the SSWA Office. It is preferable that the incumbent is a practising teacher with an interest in and knowledge of Volleyball. SSWA provides relief funding, admin support and a small honorarium for the Sport Coordinator. Please phone 9264 5799 or email the SSWA office for further information.