Exciting Changes to 2024 VWA Staffing – Competitions and Pathways Sections

In response to the flourishing growth of volleyball in Western Australia, the Volleyball WA Board has enthusiastically approved changes to the 2023 Competitions and Pathways Section, effective December 2023.


To meet the increased demands, the Competitions and Pathways Section has been restructured into two distinct entities:


Competitions Section

Karyn Murray, the newly appointed Competitions Manager, brings a wealth of experience from her previous role as the General Manager of Events and Sport Development at Gymnastics WA. Her professional background includes managing competitions at all levels, and she also serves as an Olympic Level Official (FIG Judge) for Rhythmic Gymnastics in a volunteer capacity.


Roles and Responsibilities

Indoor Events & Competitions: WAVL, WAVJL, and ATA Regional State Championships.

Beach Events: ATABT, Groundswell, Fortix Cup, Rotto Cup, Club hosted Junior Beach Series, and Masters Beach Series.

School Events: Both Beach and Indoor categories.

Event Management Support: AVSL Home Games and an Asian Engagement International Tournament.

Executive Officer Support: Shared responsibilities for Beach Committee, WAVL Review Working Group, WAVL Technical Committee, and Junior Working Group.


Contact Information:

Competitions Manager – Karyn Murray

Part-time position (Monday to Thursday)

Commencement date: January 8, 2024

Email: competitions@volleyballwa.com.au


Events Coordinator (Beach) – Millie Monaghan

Full-time position

Email: beach@volleyballwa.com.au


Events Coordinator (Indoor) – Alex Neindorf

Full-time position

Email: indoor@volleyballwa.com.au


Pathways Section

Jackie Tamburri, the dedicated Pathways Manager, will lead this section, focusing on state team programs, development initiatives, and the implementation of the VWA Academy Program.


Roles and Responsibilities

Beach State Team Programs: AYBVC.

Indoor State Team Programs: AYVC, AJVC.

Australian Volleyball Super League (AVSL).

Development and Regional Development Programs.

Asian Engagement Programs.

Development and Implementation of the VWA Academy Program.

Executive Officer Support: High Performance Working Group.


Contact Information:

Pathways Manager – Jackie Tamburri

Full-time position

Email: pathways@volleyballwa.com.au


Youth Pathways Coordinator – Jordan Fancote

Full-time position (University Holidays) / Part-time position (University Terms)

Email: youth@volleyballwa.com.au


Pathways Coach

Part-time position

To be advertised Quarter Two, 2024


As we embark on 2024, these changes, coupled with additional staffing and resources, are set to fortify everyone involved in the sport, fostering continued growth and success within the Western Australia volleyball community. Exciting times lie ahead!