Grab some mates and head to Scarborough this weekend for a hit!


The volleyball courts are back at Scarborough beach this weekend if you are looking for a hit with friends. Volleyball WA has 4 beach volleyball courts at the northern end of Scarborough Beach, and these are public courts for anyone to use.

If you don’t have a net and ball of your own, you can book a court and the equipment to play through our VolleyMates app – simply by searching and downloading the app. Once you have a profile set up it is as simple as booking a two-hour time slot, paying $25, and heading to the beach.

Once there check your email confirmation for the passcode to unlock the lock box and access the equipment and enjoy your game! Be sure to return the equipment for the next user.

VolleyMates is a Volleyball WA initiative to get more people playing the game on the various public beach courts around our state, funded by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, and supported by the City of Stirling.