COVID-19 Update: Contact Tracing
The WA Government has announced the mandatory introduction of contact register requirements for Western Australian venues from 5 December, 2020, and the launch of a new QR code application from SafeWA.
All indoor sporting / recreational venues / facilities, gyms, pools and fitness centres are required to maintain contact registers. The contact register records will only be kept for 28 days, before being disposed of under data privacy laws.
Outdoor venues such as ovals / parks, outdoor volleyball centres and beaches do not require contact registers.
Please find the link Contact Register FAQ for the Contact Register Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that will provide answers to the following questions;
• What types of venues need to have contact registers?
• What options do we have for maintaining a register of who is in our indoor facility or clubs?
• Do I need to “check-in” if I’m watching my kids play sport or part of a group?
• Do I need to “check-in” if I’m using an indoor changing room or toilet and the returning to an outdoor area?
• Our venue is not staffed, so how do we manage the contact register requirements?
Volleyball WA would like to repeat the WA Minister for Sport and Recreation Mick Murray’s words around the importance of contact tracing. “There are multiple options available such as using SafeWA, alternative technology (eg a tablet at the entry point) and a manual register. The important consideration is that the health authorities need to be able to contact every person that was at a venue at a specific time.”
Please note, Local Governments have the discretion to add hire conditions to all their facilities / venues. This may include the requirement to provide contact registers for their outdoor venues. Please contact you Local Government Authority directly if you require any further information in regards to their mandate (s) for hiring outdoor venues.
Based on the information released to date, we would recommend all stakeholders review the WA Government’s COVID-19 information page in regards to contact tracing.
It’s also important to note the upcoming changes will come into effect until Saturday the 5th of December.
If you need more information or have a question, please don’t hesitate to contact the Volleyball WA offices on 08 9228 8522 or via email