Meet Kate our new team member

Volleyball WA is pleased to welcome another new staff member in 2022, Kate Morris who joins us as the Community and Stakeholder Engagement Coordinator (part-time). She will be working with our community and stakeholders to ensure the sport has the court space to keep pace with the growth in participation through the places to play strategy. The traditional beach and hard courts will be included, with a focus on opening parks and pools to volleyball participation in the expansion of places to play.

Her role involves promoting the value of Volleyball in the community to all levels of government and venue operators – highlighting current demand and future trends, the commercial and social outcomes possible from the sport, and encouraging investment in increased capacity.

Kate is returning to Perth from Melbourne where she trained and worked as a Music Therapist, before moving to London to work on community and government projects. After coming back to Melbourne, she worked for Orienteering Vitoria and then with a major public hospital. She is skilled in developing relationships and networks across industry to achieve collaboration on major projects.

Kate is keen to immerse herself back into sport and to understand Volleyball and the community that makes it so popular. One of her key tasks is to update the Places to Play Strategy in line with the current Volleyball WA Strategic Plan while meeting with current and emerging stakeholders, and discovering all the current public open spaces to play.

Kate will be part of the Marketing & Communications team and says she has been warmly welcomed by the whole staff and is looking forward to playing her part in the growth of the sport as she becomes more settled in the role. She is also happy to be back in Perth, surrounding herself with family and enjoying the Perth sunshine and lifestyle.