Please find information below on an amazing upcoming opportunity for appropriate persons, 1 x coach and 4 x athletes to be part of a Sport Diplomacy Tour as part of the Asian Sports Partnership in a funded 10 day Leadership and Volleyball Camp in Myanmar in May 2017.
Departing Australia May 8th.
Camp beginning from 11th – 20th May , departing for Australia 21st May and will include 8 days of volleyball and leadership training. Volleyball Training sessions to be administered by VA successful Coach. Leadership Course will be administered by Women Win ( VA Australia Sport Diplomacy Ambassadors to participate and assist as required).
Applications will close in under 2 weeks, send any expressions of interest to EOI will close on Monday 13th February 5pm EST. Phone interviews will be held on Tuesday the 14th and Wednesday the 15th February.
Background :
In September 2016 Volleyball Australia was successful in receiving a Simple Grants Fund granted by the Department of Foreign affairs and Trading.
Project : The Volleyball Circles Program ( in line with achieving the objectives of the Sport Diplomacy Strategy).
Volleyball Australia is partnering with WOMEN WIN ( based in Netherlands) and GIRL DETERMINED ( Based in-country in Myanmar).
Goals :
- Connecting people and Institutions
- Enhancing Sport for Change
- Showcasing Australia
The Applicant Coach must:
- Be female.
- Have a good understanding and experience in the game of volleyball.
- Be confident and capable of leading a group of 4 athletes on an international sport ambassador tour.
- Be confident and capable in their own abilities to travel in Asia (with assistance by VA staff in Australia and Women Women Staff on ground in Myanmar).
- Have the capacity to enhance the skills and knowledge of local female coaches and athletes ( does not need to be national level coach as the level of volleyball in Myanmar is grassroots level, a well experienced School teacher or State coach may be an excellent candidate).
- Be a great ambassador for Volleyball Australia and Sport for Change.
- Be well organised and able to deliver volleyball training sessions at a reasonable level for up for 40 coaches in Myanmar.
- Be willing to participate in Leadership courses run by Women Win while in Myanmar and willing to participate fully in 2 days cultural exchange activities which will be part of the 8 day leadership course.
- Actively promote women Volleyball Australia, girls and womens participation in Sport, emerging female volleyball leaders.
- Be responsible for duty of care of the athletes while touring.
- Be responsible for own spending money while on tour.
- Be open and respectful of other cultures.
The Applicant Athletes must:
- Be female between ages of 16 – 25yrs.
- Be great role models for Volleyball Australia.
- Be great ambassadors for Australia.
- Be willing and fit to participate in Volleyball Training sessions run by Australian Coach as part of the 8 day.
- Be willing to participate in Leadership courses run by Women Win while in Myanmar and willing tp participate fully in 2 days cultural exchange activities which will be part of the 8 day leadership course.
- Actively promote women Volleyball Australia, girls and womens participation in Sport, emerging female volleyball leaders.
- Be responsible for their behaviour whist representing Australia and actively report to the tour coach.
- Be responsible for own spending money while on tour.
- Be open and respectful of other cultures.
Please Note: Athletes and Coach will receive some cultural training and guidance before departure for the Sport Diplomacy Tour. Flights, ground transport and meals within Myanmar will be covered and organised by Volleyball Australia in conjunction with Girls Determined.
Please contact me if you require more information or if there is someone you would like to directly nominate for the position. Being personally part of the Pacific Sports partnership in Vanuatu in 2010 , I can only encourage what a fantastic opportunity this is for the right candidates and great promotion of female leaders in sport and Volleyball.