Volleyball enjoys growing Sporting Schools Success

Volleyball’s popularity in Australian schools continue to rise with volleyball’s Sporting Schools program ranking in the top 10 choices for Term 1 nationally. WA in particular has made waves with the state delivering the second most programs behind Victoria.

Delivering Sporting Schools to more than 1300 students throughout the WA metropolitan area in 2018, Volleyball WA has been able to deliver a fun and engaging way for school kids to be active and get involved in Volleyball.

“These results indicate that Volleyball is quickly becoming a sport of choice for more schools throughout the country. We are excited by its growing popularity and now more than ever are committed to see the sport delivered as a game for all.” Volleyball WA CEO Robyn Kuhl said.

“A key insights from Volleyball WA’s success in 2018 is that we have been able to deliver the Sporting Schools program in a way that is more inclusive. Out of the 21 schools who have utilised the Sporting Schools program, 10 have had students with disabilities and 18 are schools with students from a CaLD background.”

Feedback for the Sporting Schools program delivered by Volleyball WA consistently rank high with more than 89% of school’s considering the program above average or excellent.

Michelle Hilbrands, one of Volleyball WA’s Sporting Schools coaches, says engaging both the kids and teachers has been key in getting the schools passionate about volleyball.

“It’s great to see the kids having fun and they definitely learn a lot when you get to spend a few weeks at the school. Overall the best part is you also get to engage the teachers and leave behind passionate ambassadors for the sport.” Hilbrands said.

With more than 3,390 primary schools receiving funding for term 2, Sporting Schools is quickly becoming a cornerstone of sport development in Australia with funding now extended through 2019.

The Australian’s Governments Sport Schools program are now accepting funding requests for Term 3 with applications set to close on the 29th of June. To book your Volleyball session head over to the Sporting Schools website or click here.

Sporting Schools is a $200 million Australian Government initiative to get more children playing more sport, before, during and after school.

To find out more about Volleyball’s Sporting Schools program or High School orientated Think. Again Clinics, please contact Volleyball WA’s School and Junior Development Coordinator at juniors@volleyballwa.com.au or call the office on 08 9228 8522.