Volleyball WA Board



Ian Phipps (B.Bus, GradDipCSP, CPA, ACIS, AGIA, AIMM)

Ian brings a wealth of broad experience to the Board gained from 23 years in senior management roles in listed / non-listed public and privately held corporations operating in local, national and international arenas and from multiple industry sectors.

Ian currently holds multiple Directorships held with companies focused on land syndication and is currently the Managing Partner of the Retraite Partnership. Ian has a Bachelor of Business, a Graduate Diploma in Company Secretarial Practice, and is an associate member of the Certified Practising Accountants of Australia, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Governance Institute of Australia and the Australian Institute of Management.

An avid volleyball player since his early 20’s and strong contributor at club level for many years, Ian still competes in the West Australia’s Volleyball League and World Masters events and is passionately focused towards using his business acumen to assist the extremely dedicated volleyball WA staff team to continue to strategically advance the great sport of Volleyball in WA



Yuhan Richards

Yuhan Richards became a member of the VWA Board in May 2024, bringing with her more than a decade of experience as a strategic finance professional. Holding a Masters of Accounting from Curtin University, she currently serves as the Group Finance Manager and Senior Executive Member at Australian Inclusion Group.


Ben McRobb

Ben joined the Board of VWA in January 2018 but has been involved in the broader volleyball family for over 10 years. Ben fell in love with volleyball when he started playing indoor beach volleyball in high school and never looked back. Since then, Ben has dabbled in all forms of the sport and appreciates the subtle differences between each code. Ben has a Bachelor of Engineering degree and recently completed his Masters of Business Administration. Ben looks forward to contributing to the further development of all elements of the sport across Western Australia.


MicHelle Hort

Michelle Hort joined the board in May 2022. She is a marketing professional with extensive experience, who has been responsible for maintaining the “public face” of various organisations including Gymnastics WA. With a unique set of skills in services and digital marketing, business development, event management and stakeholder engagement she is looking forward to contributing to the sports growth.



Darren started playing volleyball at high school when scoring was still side out scoring rather than rally point, and before the introduction of the libero position. He has been involved as a player and coach, with a focus on coaching state junior teams in recent years.

Darren has an extensive background in community recreation, managing recreation and other community facilities in various parts of Australia for around 15 years. In recent years, he has been working in local government with a focus on corporate planning and strategy. His favourite work experience was living and working on Christmas Island for 9 months to open the Christmas Island Recreation Centre.

As a board member, Darren hopes to support the organisation to increase opportunities for people to play volleyball, particularly at an early age; support the many volunteers in the volleyball community; and advocate for volleyball with the various levels of government.




Ruth Gibbons

Ruth joins the board with an extensive background in education, management, strategy, change and community development.  As a Consultant that has acquired over 20 years’ experience in the sport and recreation industry, Ruth brings a rich history of skills and knowledge to draw upon and will be a welcome contributor to board discussions.




Robyn Kuhl

Robyn became part of Volleyball WA in January 2013 following her roles as the Executive Director at Gymnastics WA and the Managing Director for the British & English Hockey National teams in the United Kingdom. Additionally, she held the position of Organisational Development Team Leader at the Department of Sport and Recreation in in WA. With a Bachelor of Social Science in Leisure Science / Sports Management, Robyn contributes extensive expertise in sports management and administration to Volleyball WA.