Whilst you are thinking about who to nominate for this year’s Rookie Referee of the Year and Referee of the Year, let’s take a look back at the 2014 recipients:
2014 Rookie Referee of the Year – Irene Alonso Chartier
- Gained her State Badge in July 2014
- First time referee at the 2014 AJVC – upgraded to National A.
- Regular referee at WAVL, WAVL Junior League PSA, IGGSA Alcohol. Think Again Beach, UWA and VWA Social competitions.
2014 Referee of the Year – Dani Francis
- A member of the Australian Volleyball Referee Commission and Chairperson of the VWA Referee Committee
- Referee at the Asian U19 Women’s and gained full accreditation as an International Referee
- Referee for the AVL Men’s Grand Final match
- Attended World League Games / Grand Final in Australia as scorer
- Referee Course Presenter
- Chief Referee WAVL and Australian Volleyball Schools Cup
Please direct your nominations for the 2015 Awards to Robyn Kuhl at info@volleyballwa.com.au by Wednesday, 26th August 2015.