VWA Rookie Referee and Referee of the Year Awards

Whilst you are thinking about who to nominate for this year’s Rookie Referee of the Year and Referee of the Year, let’s take a look back at the 2014 recipients:

2014 Rookie Referee of the Year – Irene Alonso Chartier

  • Gained her State Badge in July 2014
  • First time referee at the 2014 AJVC – upgraded to National A.
  • Regular referee at WAVL, WAVL Junior League PSA, IGGSA Alcohol. Think Again Beach, UWA and VWA Social competitions.


2014 Referee of the Year – Dani Francis

  • A member of the Australian Volleyball Referee Commission and Chairperson of the VWA Referee Committee
  • Referee at the Asian U19 Women’s and gained full accreditation as an International Referee
  • Referee for the AVL Men’s Grand Final match
  • Attended World League Games / Grand Final in Australia as scorer
  • Referee Course Presenter
  • Chief Referee WAVL and Australian Volleyball Schools Cup

Please direct your nominations for the 2015 Awards to Robyn Kuhl at info@volleyballwa.com.au by Wednesday, 26th August 2015.