For the last two years Volunteering WA has been providing clubs with FREE assistance with all aspects of volunteer management, including recruiting, retaining, rewarding and managing your volunteers. This email is to let you know about these services and see if you require any ongoing support around working with volunteers. Some examples of the support we provide are listed below as well as the details of 2 free workshops.
Workshop 1: Developing Volunteer Management Plans
Thursday 5 November
6pm – 8pm
Department of Sport and Recreation, 246 Vincent St, Leederville
To book click here
Workshop 2: Volunteer Retention Workshop
Monday 30 November
6pm – 8pm
Volunteering WA, 2 Delhi St, West Perth
To book click here
In addition to these and other workshops, Volunteering WA can support you and your club with:
• Free, one-on-one consultations to support you and your club to review and/or develop volunteer management plan and or systems/process.
• Support and advice on ways to engage with your existing club members and recruit them as volunteers.
• Assistance to bring new volunteers into your club.
• General advice and help on all matters volunteering.
If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the project, please contact me on 9482 4305 or visit