AJBVC Trial Registrations for U15 Boys REOPENED

Trials for the 2019 Australian Junior Beach Volleyball Championships (AJBVC) are underway, with 4 out of 6 trials now completed. Trial registrations for the U15 Male age group has reopened until Sunday 20th January to increase the number of boys in the VWA State Beach Pathway, as well as to create the required number of teams in this Division for the 2019 AJBVC. 

The VWA Development Squad Program is a prerequisite for U15s to be considered for State Team Trials, however, due to extenuating circumstances, VWA will provide an exemption for U15 male athletes who would like to register and attend the last two trial sessions for the 2019 VWA Beach State Team.

The final two U15 Male trials will take place next week at Inner City Beach (180 Charles Street, West Perth) on Monday 21st from 7:30am – 9:30am where the boys will undergo fitness testing, and Wednesday 23rd from 5:00pm – 7:00pm for the last trial. If you are interested in attending trials please register online through your VWA Member Portal no later than Sunday 5pm. 

If you have any questions please contact our State Teams Coordinator, Jackie Tamburri at stateteams@volleyballwa.com.au or call the office on 9225 8522.