New Junior Volleyball Structure for 2016

and Coach Expressions of interest for 2016


Volleyball WA is pleased to announce the exciting developments regarding the VWA junior and state team programs for volleyball within Western Australia for 2016.  After considerable discussion and consultation throughout the last three years with many individuals within the volleyball community we are pleased to make the below announcement.  Prior to this we would like to say our sincere thanks for to the VWA Junior Committee, the VWA High Performance Review Group, the VWA Board and the many teachers, coaches, parents and individuals that have provided us with feedback over the last three years.  Your support and commitment to the ongoing work in this area and its alignment to the Volleyball FTEM (Foundation, Talent, Elite, Mastery) pathways model has been greatly appreciated.

For 2016, the VWA junior volleyball year will be divided into four sections aligned to school terms and with a  specific focus:

  • Term 1 – Beach Volleyball State Teams
  • Term 2 – Indoor Volleyball Development Squad
  • Term 3 – Indoor Volleyball State Teams
  • Term 4 – Beach Volleyball Development Squad

This strategy has been developed to reduce the load on VWA State Team coaches to between 10-12 weeks in a year and also sectionalise training. The development squad stages will be focused on the skill acquisition of fundamental volleyball technique and the state team phases will be focused on strategy, tactical learning and team development.  All phases will also have elements physically preparing the athletes in accordance with their stage in development.

To compliment this the VWA Participation and Development Section has worked to develop a junior calendar of all activities in indoor and beach volleyball for 2016.  We believe this will be a very helpful resource to you all.  You will note that there are some details that are still to be confirmed and these will be provided as they become available.

To those of you that are coaches we would also encourage you to consider nominating for one or more of the positions outlined on the relevant webpage, please keep in mind that these close on March 18th. For further information, please note the documents, flyers and VWA website links for the following:

If you have any further enquiries regarding any of these items please contact Martin Suan, the VWA Participation and Development Manager via email: