Coach: Expression of Interest

Volleyball Australia Junior Women’s Development Program

Expressions of Interest for Coach Involvement Being Sought

December 2014, will be the start of an exciting period for the Australian Junior Women’s Development Program (JWDP), it will see the commencement of two new age group programs; Youth (2000/01) & Junior (1998/99). The culmination of these programs will be the Asian Championship events in 2016 for each age group.

Volleyball Australia acknowledges and appreciates the essential role that volunteer coaches play in the JWDP.

Volleyball Australia is seeking expressions of interest from coaches that would like to be involved in these programs.

All coaching positions are volunteer based. Coaches may be asked to contribute financially to their participation in activities.

If you are interested in being involved in the JWDP, please submit a covering letter stating which program you would like to be involved with (Junior – athletes born 1998/99 and/or Youth athletes born 2000/01), as well as your volleyball specific resume (coaching experience, qualifications, etc) to by Friday 19th September.